Bell Says 2016 Was Busy and Successful Year for Stephens Co.

Stephens County Commission Chair Dennis Bell says 2016 was a positive year in many ways for the county.

Bell spoke with WNEG on Wednesday about the county’s last 12 months.

He said road repair was a main focus of the county this past year and a lot was accomplished towards that goal.

“We started purchasing some equipment,” said Bell. “We started crack sealing some of the roads. We repaired a lot of gravel roads and even some of the roads we took in, we went in and repaired those where you can actually get through them now with a fire truck or ambulance. Before there were a couple of roads where you could not do that. Now you can.”

According to Bell, the county also has a different plan for bush-hogging.

“You will have different teams out going around the county, instead of just one team going around like you used to,” said Bell. “That way, it cuts down on the grass getting so high, especially around the intersections.”

Bell said another main accomplishment this year was the opening of three new fire department and sheriff’s office station buildings.

He said that is something that will help residents in rural areas of the county near these station buildings.

“This should help our citizens out a tremendous amount, especially the ones that live within a five road mile radius of this because it should help them out on their insurance,” said Bell. “But they have to make sure they call their insurance company and let them know these fire stations are up.”

Bell also pointed to a host of other accomplishments this year from a county perspective, such as opening a new dog park at the Recreation Department, purchasing a new ambulance and sheriff’s office vehicles, closing the inert landfill, and partnering well with the city and the Stephens County Development Authority on a host of projects for economic development.

Much of this, he noted, could not have happened without SPLOST funds.

“SPLOST money is coming in handy as far as the public safety field and the road department,” said Bell.

Bell also said that the county ended the year in a strong and positive financial position per a third party audit.

He credited county staff and employees for a job well done.

According to Bell, the county has a good team and it shows.

“Again, I cannot thank the county workers enough for all the work they have done,” said Bell. “I want them to know that without the employees we have in Stephens County, we would not have finished as strong as we did in our financial position,” said Bell.

Bell said that Stephens County is looking forward to 2017.

He added that roads will remain a priority as will the new Highway 17 corridor as the county looks to continue reaping the benefits of the new four-lane highway that opened earlier this year.