Georgia Power Urges Safety While Playing “Pokemon Go”

As the mobile “Pokemon Go” game continues to remain popular, Georgia Power is reminding players to keep safety in mind at all times and in all places, especially where electrical equipment is concerned.

Pokémon Go uses a mobile phone’s Global Positioning System, or GPS, to detect the location of players and enables them to watch their avatar interact with the virtual environment on their phone screen.

Players search for “Pokéstops” that are virtually “tagged” with “monsters” or Pokémon that appear on screen to be captured.

“Tagged” locations tend to be local landmarks, but some are selected at random and may be near electric wires, power poles, electric substations and power plants.

The power company said it has three simple safety tips for players caught up in the chase for Pikachu and virtual monsters.

First, stay away from electric wires, power poles, electric substations and power plants.

Second, do not enter private property, especially those protected by fences and warning signs. The company adds that trespassing on Georgia Power property is not only illegal but also potentially dangerous.

Finally, watch where you’re walking, including roads, bridges and parking lots.